April 30, 2013

A Blog of 3 Parts - Revised

Part One: An Apology

“My dearest blog, I’m so sorry that I have neglected you for some time now, it is just that I have been so incredibly bus…” 

 Whoa, hang on a minute lady, don’t you dare say busy!” Blog angrily brushes dust and cobwebs from fonts, tumbleweed blows through page for dramatic effect.

“I wasn’t going to say busy!” *rapidly thinks of words beginning with bus (which incidentally could be a round on “Pointless”, I will suggest this to Richard Osman via Twitter)…business, busybody, busking,  ..more like busted…… bustle..ermmmmm…bushy* “I have been so incredibly bushy!”

You are claiming that you have been too bushy to write?”- Blog eyes me suspiciously:

“I have photographic evidence….”

Exhibit A - Photographic Evidence
That is just fobbing me off with a cute picture you found on the internet!”  

“No, it is a picture of me yesterday, after I finished mowing the lawn *she lied, although the look is pretty similar*… I have been neglecting the garden too.  It is not just you Blog, please don’t take it personally!”

Giant spider, body the size of a cupcake, falls down from Blog heading, shakes fist menacingly and scuttles across the page...Blog is not happy, not happy at all.

“Oh come on, Blog!  I have exciting news...”

Ok… I suppose we can be friends once more

“You are the nicest blog in the world!!"

Part Two: Exciting News!

This might be a blog in three parts, but the exciting news comes in four parts, as this is the number of new body washes being launched by Dr.Hauschka from May 1st (my inner child still finds the word “launched” amusing in this context: mental images of products flying through the air).  The body washes come in 200ml (non- flying) pump dispensers, are suitable for all skin types and retail at £12.95 each.  There are four different scents to complement your mood:
Lemon Lemongrass – Vitalising

"Natural essential oil made from fresh lemongrass emits a gentle citric fragrance, encouraging vitality and brightness. Invigorating and awakening summery notes of lemon and lime stimulate the mind, creating a wonderful burst of refreshment."

Almond  -Soothing

"A vanilla base is mixed with delicate floral fragrances including ylang-ylang to calm and invoke a feeling of harmony. Combined with almond, this body wash offers a refreshing and soothing start to each day."

Rose -Nuturing

"The fresh fragrance found at the center of the rose bud is mixed with that of the fully-bloomed rose to create a light and playful undertone with a regal and seductive finish. Extracts of rose petal are combined with orange blossom to create a deliciously floral scent."

Lavender Sandalwood  - Calming


"Calming lavender is complemented by a warming note of sandalwood in this restorative body wash. With its gentle, rejuvenating freshness, it envelops your skin with an amber-like warmth, projecting a sense of luxurious harmony. Ideal for a relaxing shower or bath at the end of a long day."

I must hasten to add that at this point in time I haven’t tried any of them, although my order is firmly in place.  I have total confidence they will be beautiful.   Rather like an episode of the detective mystery Columbo, it is not the outcome but how we arrive at that outcome that is questionable part; the anticipation is in discovering exactly how these additions to the range will work their magic (Note: if I am sadly mistaken, and the products aren’t amazing,  I will happily eat Columbo’s raincoat, sautéed with cigar ash..such is my faith in all things Dr. Hauschka!).


Part Three:  Friendship (and an even bigger apology)

My Blog is protesting that this just another excuse to re-post a cute picture I spotted on Facebook, but it is so lovely I wanted to share it…

Anyone who saw an earlier version of this post will know that I had hoped to run a body wash giveaway (the chance to celebrate an important friendship in your life by winning one wash for you, one as a gift to share).  However, due to the enormous success of the pre-orders, this will have to wait for a later date - I am so sorry, I promise it will return later in the year.  However, every cloud has a silver lining as one lovely lady had already entered, and I'm delighted to say there is just one Lavender wash still available to send as a thank you for being first to post, and also because you sounded like you really needed the Hauschka love (Nicki R - well done!)

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